June 23rd, 2006Seattle to Port AngelesThe first official day of our vacation found us impatient to get going. We were up early and waiting at the doors of
Museum of Flight for it to open, with at least a dozen other eager parents like us. We were amazed by the sight of the steel and glass great gallery with dozens of aircrafts suspended from the ceiling six stories high.

Ben got undivided attention of one the docents who helped him try out a variety of flight simulators. NASA simulator declared me & Joe totally unfit of flying an aircraft, while Ben was showered accolades for successful lunar vehicle landing.
We got to walk through the Air Force One and Concorde in the
Air Park. The boys were absorbed by the heroic deeds of Air Force pilots in the World War I & II, while I found the story of WASP, Women Air Force Service Pilots very gripping.
Afternoon was spent walking around the
Seattle waterfront. It had a commanding view of the downtown and the fun, light hearted atmosphere of a small town boardwalk.
Later in the day, we took the
ferry to Bainbridge Is. and drove to
Port Angeles. Is it our imagination or are the trees and shrubs taller here than their brethrens in eastern part of country? Even the Dandelions were taller than the ones in
Massachusetts. The drive was very pleasant. We had the grand sight of Olympic Mountain Range to our left and uninterrupted flow of foxgloves and raspberry bushes on the berm by the side of the road to our right.
We finally called it a day after a filling meal at the Crab House in
Port Angeles. I had a whole Crab Dungeness, Ben struggled with the Snow White Crab legs, while Joe settled with a more sedate choice of Crab cakes.
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